foto personal

👋 Hi there, I'm Ester

Frontend Developer, Web Designer & Advertising Specialist

Contact me & visit my projects here:

My Projects

My Journey

I graduate in Advertising

February of 2020

I finish my degree in Advertising & PR and I ask myself: What should I do next?

I start reading, meditating and writing a lot. Eventually I get to understand more things about myself and how my mind works.

Finally, I decide to complement my formation by learning about web development , since it's an area where my skills can be enhanced and complemented with my design & digital maketing competencies.

I start a Frontend course

November of 2020

I'm admitted into a Frontend Bootcamp by BIT Academy.

I realise that my major aptitudes (attention to detail, creativity, aesthetic sense & organization) really come into play when developing a web application, and that really stimulates me.

I learn new tools and languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Vue, Bootstrap or Sass that allow me to develop highly functional projects.

Working at Stipple


I start working as a Front end developer & Web Designer at HPC Stipple , in charge of designing Stipple's branding, its applications UIs and all the frontend development.

I am currently redesigning Stipple Cloud's UI, the no-code platform for High Performance Computing (backend programed with Julia), which I am going to develop with Grapes Js & Vue. I am also redesigning Stipple Cloud's enterprise website .

Leading digital projects

In 5 years

I expect to keep mastering development tools to go the extra mile providing digital solutions.

I look for and will work hard to be seen in the near future as an essential asset within the organisations or projects I will be involved in.

I'm excited to contribute to the boosting of the sector, and potentially take the lead of some innovative projects.

Don't hesitate to contact me here

& visit my projects in greater depth